Calcutta : The business of charity

  • M6
  • M6 - Enquête Exclusive


A stellar religious woman who dedicated much of her life to the poor of Calcutta, Mother Teresa canonised after her death, the Albanian Catholic sister is now a saint. Great celebrations in her honour.
A symbol of goodness, Sister Teresa is also a juicy argument for industrialists and temple merchants.
A huge charity business, who benefits from it?
It is not only the merchants who get rich under the banner of Christian charity. Motivated by the best of intentions, volunteers come from all over the world to do charity work for the NGOs who demand 2000 euros as soon as they arrive.
Canadians, Americans, French, Belgians... follow in the footsteps of the saint.
Most of them are taken to the Kalighat morgue, created by Mother Teresa. A terrible shock ! A difficult and repugnant work that discourages the best volunteers and provokes strong depressions. Many of them end up in bad situations: drugs, alcohol, prostitution in the streets of Calcutta...


Whether you are a producer, in television, or another kind of professional, I, Thierry Gaytan, will be happy to make you benefit from my experience.
So, if you have a project in mind, do not hesitate to contact me

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